An Overview of the ACRO Web Results production system
Without going outside the ACRO software environment you can create comprehensive web output from your results and other data, and upload it all with an Index to a web folder of your choice. When the FairPlay System is used individual Judge Analysis pages will be linked to the judge's names at the foot of each single sequence results page.
If you are working at a CIVA event, to upload the championship results to the CIVA Results website you must use ACRO's inbuilt ftp client to post all the results as this website is secured against access by any other method - an alternative ftp client will not work.

Create individual or combined sequence results in web format via the Web Contest Results form.

Create individual or combined sequence team results in web format via Web Team Results
Create any number of other web pages using ACRO, local or  external editing facilities
Upload these files to a remote server folder, to a local folder in your computer or to a remote folder on a network using Web Files Upload Manager. Alternatively an external FTP client or a server based file uploader can be used to transfer the files as required, but this solution is risky and to be avoided if possible.

You can use ACRO in conjunction with any other resources to create the files you need.

You can then upload all of these files to the contest website or to a network target folder for local browser access.

 You can create and upload "web-ready" output in these eight areas:

Pilot Registration Lists
Flying Orders - all types
Photo Management ~ photo albums
Contest and Team web Results

Pilots Raw and FPS Score-Sheets
The web Index Page generator
Sequence diagrams
External website links
Server folder and files structures
It is important to understand that the ACRO web system expects ALL of these files - HTML, graphics, style-sheets etc. - to all be held in a SINGLE destination folder. Filenames must therefore all be unique, duplications are not possible. ACRO will ensure that all the 'internally' created files have unique filenames - YOU must take the same care when including external pages etc..
Note that if you use an external WYSIWYG editor (ie. Dreamweaver, FrontPage, Word etc.) to produce files for access via the web index page, they may generate sub-folders for images or other graphic elements, and you must take steps to ensure that this is avoided or that sub-folder files are all successfully re-located to and linked within ACRO's single flat folder arrangement.
Getting the results tables etc. to work within your own web pages
Once all the web results pages have been created, place one or more empty tables - in div's if necessary - onto your destination page to contain the tables and data. The process you must now carry out is to copy the source html text from the ACRO results page into your own page, then transfer all of the supporting files there too BUT DO NOT use a WYSIWYG web design application such as DreamWeaver to do this as it would translate all the existing 'absolute' links into 'relative' links that will point back to their original folder, and when you publish your page nothing will work because the links to the source files will now all be broken!
The simplest solution is to open the main web results file with your browser, then use 'View source' to locate and copy all of the html script between these two special comment markers:
         <!-- To copy this ACRO web results table into your own web page -->
         <!-- highlight and Copy all of the HTML text starting from HERE -->


         <!-- to here and Paste it into your own page ... etc.
then paste it into the table you have placed your own page. Now use plain old Windows Explorer (again NOT your WYSIWYG web design application) to copy ALL of the other files that ACRO has put into the Web Store Folder EXCEPT the "multi_" or "single_" pages into the folder that contains your destination page, and all of this transferred material will now link together correctly and provide the same result as the ACRO page output in your browser.

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